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Course curriculum

    1. A Message From the Instructors

    2. About Your Educator

    3. What is Echosec?

    4. How to Access Echosec

    5. Before we begin...

    1. Lesson 1: Introduction to Search

    2. Lesson 2: How to Run a Search

    3. Module 1 Assessment

    4. Module 1 Resources

    1. Lesson 1: Introduction to Filters and Detailed Post Panel

    2. Lesson 2: Filtering Results

    3. Lesson 3: Leveraging the Post Detail Panel

    4. Module 2 Assessment

    5. Module 2 Resources

    1. Lesson 1: Introduction to Monitor

    2. Lesson 2: How to Save a Search to Monitor

    3. Lesson 3: How to Create a Saved Search in Monitor

    4. Module 3 Assessment

    5. Module 3 Resources

    1. Lesson 1: Introduction to the Monitor Dashboard, Inbox, and Map

    2. Lesson 2: How to Utilize the Monitor Dashboard

    3. Lesson 3: How to Navigate the Monitor Inbox

    4. Lesson 4: How to Leverage the Monitor Map

    5. Module 4 Assessment

    6. Module 4 Resources

    1. Lesson 1: Introduction to Intelligence Reports and Ignite AI

    2. Lesson 2: Utilizing Intelligence Reports & Ignite AI

    3. Module 5 Assessment

    4. Module 5 Resources

About this course

  • Free
  • 37 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content